Hi, I am Theres

I am an UX Architect based in Vienna

I research, listen, test and improve to create better human experience of solutions in everyday life.

Contact me

About me

UX Architect and sports enthusiast with a technical background.


I design solutions that generate value for humans so that I can be proud of my work in the end of the day.

I love to work in diverse teams to create solutions in a user centric way. I a curious person and always want to learn new things. That is why getting to know the users and specify the domain and the context of use are the parts I enjoyed the most working as an UX architect. After isolating the problems a user is facing and specifying requirements I develop and visualise first design solutions (e.g. wireframes) and test them as easy and quickly as possible in order to test if the requirements are fulfilled. Followed by an iterative process of testing and improvement activities until the user is satisfied.


Creative Services

Enjoy team diversity and increase their networks among others people in various fields by provided.


UI/UX Design

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Web Development

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Creative Design

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet conset sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat.


UI/UX Design

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet conset sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat.


Web Development

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet conset sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat.

My Resume

My Expertises

I am currently working as an UX Architect at Sclable. As team lead I guide, support and serve the design department.

Download my Resume

Sep 2020 - Present

UX Architect, Design Team Lead

Sclable Business Solutions GmbH - Vienna
  • ensure an inspiring environment, open communication culture
  • encourage creative solutions and risk-taking
  • co-develop personal development path with each team
  • member and provide conditions that make its accomplishment possible
  • organise and plan of team capacities
  • assure that team members work on topics that they are passionate about
May 2016 - Sep 2020

UX Architect

Sclable Business Solutions GmbH - Vienna
  • lead projects of software products from idea through prototyping to pilots or market launch, in stewardship with clients
  • get to know the actual users, specify the domain and context of use
  • isolate the problems a user is facing and specify requirements
  • develop and visualise design solutions for applications and products to meet user needs and requirements
  • test and discuss different solutions to solve a given problem in order to fulfill user and customer requirements
  • evaluate design iterations against user requirements
Sep 2014 - May 2016

Customer Relationship Manager, Product Expert

strg.at GmbH - Vienna
  • create and hold customer education workshops
  • first point of contact of technical customer support
Feb 2014 – May 2014

Internship in Software Development

strg.at GmbH - Vienna
  • support backend development team
2014 – 2016

Master’s program in Digital Media Technologies

St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences - St. Pölten

Course contents:

web & mobile development, Interface design, hybrid & native development, usability for web and mobile applications, back-end development, web service development, application and evaluation of sensor and location data, IT security for mobile terminals

2011 – 2014

Bachelor of Science in Media Technology

St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences - St. Pölten

Course contents:

  • semester 1-2: content-related, design and technical aspects required for the subsequent specialisation options
  • semester 3-4: specialisation on Digital Media Computing
  • semester 5-6: practical stage (see my resume)

Skills, Tools & Languages

  • User Research & Observation

  • create wireframes and (digital) prototypes

  • User Testing

  • collaborating on user stories

  • Team Leadership

  • mentoring

  • tools: Figma, Sketch, Invision, Axure, Adobe Creative Suite

  • HTML, CSS and programming basics

  • Languages: German (mother tongue), English, Spanish